Ghostface roger l jackson
Ghostface roger l jackson

ghostface roger l jackson

It's like an old time radio the most horrible image is the one you create in your own mind. They wanted to keep me away so the other actors didn't have a visual image to associate with this weird voice they were hearing.

ghostface roger l jackson

It's why they never introduced me to the rest of the cast when filming. Remember, I am their biggest fear come to life. I guess that added this layer of mystery and voyeurism, and it really freaks them out. I never met any of the actors in the films, but they all knew I was watching them, hidden somewhere nearby. My view was what the killer's would have been. I was watching Drew through the window while I was on this cell phone that was completely mic'd up. The boyfriend is tied up outside the French windows and there's windows either side of that room too, right? I was outside one of those windows, crouching in the shadows and taking shelter under a canopy because it was raining outside. When you see the scene where Drew Barrymore gets murdered, picture the room.

ghostface roger l jackson

I think a lot of people would assume your voice was dubbed in later, but you were really on the set, right? I wanted the voice to change colour as Ghostface goes in for the kill, sort of like a cat does. It's like a cat that seems sweet and playful, but then all of a sudden the paw comes down onto the mouse's tail. There's this texture and erotic colour to his voice. It was a wonderful experience, and so much fun! I knew it had to be a sexy voice and something interesting enough to keep the girl on the phone, even though she clearly wants to hang up.

Ghostface roger l jackson serial#

It must have been strange voicing a serial killer, no?

Ghostface roger l jackson